
Zest Framework supports a component system/feature.

What is a component?

A component is a piece of code that has its own routes, controllers, models, views, middleware and locals.

The structure of components

The structure of components is as follows. All components should be in App/Components folder

In this example we're going to create helloworld component. The structure is as follow.

  • Components {main component folder}
  • helloworld {sub component folder e.g component name}
    • Controllers {folder contains controllers of component}
    • local {folder contains language files of component}
    • Models {folder contains models of component}
    • Middleware {folder contains middleware of component}
    • Views {folder contains views of component}
    • routes.php {file, where the routes are defined}

Let's create a helloworld component.

First, add our route in routes.php


// namespace is required to define your component so that you can add many routes into one component as well.
$namespace = "App\Components\helloworld\Controllers";

// This creates the url `localhost/blog/helloworld`.
$com->add('helloworld', ['controller' => 'Home', 'action' => 'index', 'namespace'=>$namespace]);

// the helloworld is the component name if you have different component chagne it according to name.

Now create our Home.php in controllers folder


namespace App\Components\hello\Controllers;

use Zest\Component\View\View;

class Home extends \Zest\Component\Controller\Controller
     * Show the index page.
     * @return void
    public function index()
        //prototype View::view('componentName','View files',$args array (optional));
        echo View::view('helloworld', 'Home/index');
        //again the word helloworld is our component name

Then write index.php in the Views/Home folder

<!doctype html>
<html lang="<?= lang(); ?>">
          <meta charset="utf-8">
          <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
          <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="<?= site_base_url(); ?>/image/logo.png"/>
          <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
          <script src=""></script>
          <script src=""></script>
          <script src=""></script>
         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?= site_base_url(); ?>/css/style.css">
        <title><?= printl('title:home'); ?></title>

    <div class='container-fluid'>
        <h1><?= printc('title:home:hello'); ?></h1>

printc() is a built-in function in Zest framework for printing language strings in components. site_base_url() returns the current URL of the site.

Now lastly, create our language file en.php in the local folder.


 return [
    'title:home:hello' => 'Hello World',

Congratulations! You have successfully created a component.