The Zest framework provides support for sending email using SMTP and phpMailer.

SMTP Setup

To send email using SMTP, first update your Email.php file as follows:

     * Site Email.
     * @var string
    const SITE_EMAIL = 'your-site-email';
     * SMPT Host.
     * @var string
    const SMTP_HOST = 'your-smtp-host';
     * SMPT User.
     * @var string
    const SMTP_USER = 'your-smtp-user';
     * SMPT Pass.
     * @var string
    const SMTP_PASS = 'your-smtp-pass';
     * SMPT Port.
     * @var int
    const SMTP_PORT = 111;

Sending Mail

To send an email, simply do the following:


namespace App\Controllers;
use Zest\View\View;
use Zest\Mail\Mail;

class Home extends \Zest\Controller\Controller

    public function index()
        $mail = new Mail;
        //Set subject.
        $mail->setSubject('Example mail');
        //Sender, like
        //Set the plain content of the mail.
        $mail->setContentPlain('Example plain-content!');
        //Add a receiver of the mail (you can add more than one receiver too).
        //Finally send the mail.
        if ($mail->send()) {
            echo "email send";
        } else {
            echo "email not send";

Sending SMTP email

For sending email over SMTP, you just need to add $mail->isSMTP(true); before $mail->send();. It becomes the following:

//rest code .......
//Finally send the mail.
if ($mail->send()) {
   echo "email send";
} else {
   echo "email not send";

Sending Mail with Template/HTML

For sending HTML/template mail, you just need change the method name. Instead of calling setContentPlain(), you just need call setContentHTML()

//rest code .......
//Set the plain content of the mail.
$mail->setContentPlain('Example plain-content!');
//rest code .......

Sending email with an attachment.

To add an attachment to your mail simple add this line $mail->addAttachment($file);

//rest code .......
//rest code .......

If you want to send mutiple files, just repeat this line with whatever you want to attach.

Setting a "reply to" address.

For setting a "reply to" address, you just need to call the setReplyTo() method.


Adding CC

To add CC addresses, you just need to call the addCc(); method.


Adding BCC

To add BCC addresses, you just need to call the addBcc(); method.
