The controller is generally responsible for performing a request action.

Creating a Controller

You can easily create controllers in ""Zest"" Framework goto App/Controllers/ form project root you have to create more controller here.

Writing simple controller

namespace App\Controllers;
    use Zest\View\View; //you will learn more about view in later this is for accessing view
class Home extends \Zest\Controller\Controller

    public function index()

        echo View::view("Home/index"); //you will learn more about view in later this is for accessing view



This is easy way for creating controllers this create home page

Complex way for writing controller


    namespace App\Controllers;

    use Zest\View\View; //you will learn more about view in later this is for accessing view

    class About extends \Zest\Controller\Controller

        public function index()
           echo $this->route_params['username']; //$this->router_params use for accessing paramter begin passed for more information see
        public function about()
            echo view::SetTemplate("Home/index.html",[
        'header' => 'PHP Template engine',]); //you will learn more about view/template engine in later this is for accessing view
