Cookie Management library bundled with Zest Framework

Cookie Management


There is no configuration need for using session library in Zest framework


For setting the cookie and its value you need to used set_cookie() function take a look at an example:


namespace App\Models;
class users

    public function login()
        //its prototype is set_cookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly);
        set_cookie("test", "bla", 3600, "/", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], true, false);
        //return boolean, true | false


To get the cookie value you need to used get_cookie() function take a look at an example:

namespace App\Models;
class users

    public function getLogin()
        //its prototype is get_cookie("name");
        //return value on success  boolean false on fail


For deleting the cookie value you need to used delete_cookie() function take a look at example:


namespace App\Models;
class users

    public function logout()
        //its prototype is delete_cookie("name");
        //return boolean, true | false


For checking is cookie is set or exists you need to used is_cookie() fuunction take a look at an example:


namespace App\Models;
class users

    public function isLogin()
        //its prototype is is_cookie("name");
        //return boolean, true | false